Sunday, 13 January 2013

How to Enjoy Full-screen Browsing on Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 7

A lot of people who have used touch based windows 8 devices like the full-screen interface of Internet Explorer 10, If you want to enjoy that IE10 interface on your Windows 7 device then Follow the steps below.

1. Check your Internet explorer version by opening the Internet explorer, Click on the Gear Icon for tools  and the click about Internet Explorer. If you have Version 9 or earlier then you need to Install the latest  Install Internet Explorer 10 from the site  (you can skip this if you already have IE10 installed)

2. Once you have IE10 up and running, Open it and Press F11 and goto the Full screen browsing mode.

3.If you want to bring the URL bar simply Right click. To hide it again press Alt+spacebar+H. Press Alt+spacebar+H to bring it back.

4. If you want to go back to normal Desktop browsing as earlier  right click on the Url Bar on top and click Restore